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社評 0728和趙小蘭部長同台

社評 0728和趙小蘭部長同台


在華府能和趙小蘭部長同台, 是我畢生的榮幸。 在我數十年的媒體工作中, 能夠為趙部長出版發行一本有關她傳奇的書, 更是美南新聞有史以來最大之成績及挑戰。

身為一書之發行人, 早在三年多前趙部長訪問休斯敦時, 我們已經建議為她不平凡之一生 出版及發行一本為後輩可以追隨和學習之榜樣。

今天在華府希爾頓飯店舉行的國際領袖基金會年會上, 和創會會長董繼玲一起主持灶邊夜話,𣈱談趙部長過去現在及未來, 最珍貴的是許多年青朋友向部長請教如何在美國政壇展露頭角而成為華裔最有成就的人物 。

趙氏家族能從一個移民家庭, 成為美國移民之楷模, 其中之艱苦和打拼, 從多位作者之筆下描繪出多少令人感動之故事。

來自休斯敦國際貿易中心之同仁今天也參加了部長之見面會, 台下三百多位聽眾多次掀起熱烈之掌聲。

在我人生之旅途中 ,今天和趙部長之對話更是開啟我對人生之視野。

"Go Forward  Boldly," The New Book About Secretary Elaine Chao

I was so fortunate to sit down with former U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao in Washington, D.C. and talk about her new book, "Go Forward Boldly," which was published by Southern News Group.

Just yesterday afternoon, the founder of the International Leadership Forum Chiling Tung and I conducted an introduction and interview with former secretary Chao on the stage of the D.C. Hilton Hotel.

Her story really represents the many stories of how the immigrants came to America. And because of their hard work, they created many successful stories in many professional areas of endeavor and became an important part of the fabric of this great nation.

Elaine Chao's success and personal achievements represent a shining model for our next generation. Her family and Asian heritage gave her the strength and true grit to reach the top levels of the U.S. federal government with great success as the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

The book we have just published will tell all the stories about her life and her wonderful career.

We are so honored to come to the U.S. capitol and finally set up the International Trade Center branch office in the Washington, D.C. area. We want to be part of the political process.