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社評 0808 兩岸和平協議之深思

社評 0808  兩岸和平協議之深思


早年留學美國並多次主導台灣選舉而且在學術界具有影響力之關中教授, 日前在電視接受訪談時表示, 不論明年何黨取得台灣選舉之勝利, 都應該立即開始兩岸和平協議之政治談判。 這將同時為中美兩國解套, 就不至於兩岸發生戰爭,台灣會被毀滅及大陸遭受重創。

我們對此表示舉雙手贊成, 據關教授之談話表示, 只要雙方開始了政治談判, 並沒有固定之时間表, 這將避免一場毀滅性之戰爭。

老實說 ,海峽兩岸人民是同文同種之民族。 七十多年之分隔, 在華人世界中 ,包括新加坡在內皆取得傲人之巨大成就 。我們大家的聰明智慧, 吃苦耐勞之精神, 無論在世任何角落 我們都能出人頭地, 包括美國及亞洲各國在內。 

上週在美南新聞為趙小蘭部長新書-《豪邁前進》 発表會上, 我有幸和趙部長同台, 我深深感受到她那份以華裔為榮,在這個以白人為中心的政界中脫穎而出, 是她努力不懈更具華夏文化特質之充分表現。

我們必須回顧歷史 ,包括我在內的許多人 ,曾經在孩提時代流離異域受盡國弱屈辱之苦 ,如今我們能走進世界舞台, 豈可誏無情戰火毀於一旦。

我們更要呼籲全世界愛好和平之士, 共同倡議力促兩岸早日開始協商, 更希望當權者不可輕易妄動, 將遺害萬年。

Deep Thoughts About Cross-Strait Peace Negotiations

Professor John Kuan who studied in America in his early years and led Taiwan’s KMT election many times  and has still has strong influence in academia, said in a TV interview that no matter who wins the presidency next year, the political negotiations on the cross-strait should be started immediately.

We express our full support  accordingly to Professor Kuan as long as both sides agree mutually to start the negotiations. And, most importantly at this time, if there is no set timetable, it will greatly relax the relationship between the U.S. and China which can help to avoid a devastating war. 

To be honest, the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait share the same culture and language. They have been separated for more than 70 years, and along with Singapore,  they all have worked very hard and made great achievements. When I was in Washington, D.C. recently and shared the same stage with former Secretary Elaine Chao to promote her new book which we published for her, I felt deeply that she has such great and outstanding roots in Chinese cultural characteristics. 

We must look back in history and understand that many people, including those still living today, once suffered severely because of the devastating affects of war. 

We are calling on all of the peace-loving people around the world to jointly advocate and actively promote the start of the cross-strait peace negotiations to begin as soon as possible.