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社評0919 吉隆坡 我們來了

社評0919 吉隆坡 我們來了

吉隆坡 我們來了

今晨從台北搭乘長榮航空經四個多小時飛行抵達吉隆坡, 這也是我們第一次來到這個長久心儀的地方。 長榮空姐之服務, 應該是我乘座過的所有航空公司中之首選, 機上食物及空姐之親切招呼都會是一流的水準。

國立政治大學全球嘉華年會在吉隆坡舉行, 來自世界各地之校友聚集在此, 共同慶賀母校校慶 。

馬來西亞留台同學近幾十年來已經超過十萬人, 同學們返回馬國之後有非常優異之表現 ,並已成為社會之中堅份子。

吉隆坡街頭是一片繁榮景象 ,臨近的雙子星塔在群樓仍然十分醒目,顯示經濟正在起飛之跡象。

今天在籌辦單位之精心安排下,我們享用了一頓正宗之馬來茶骨大餐, 這道以骨頭燉出之美味,也述說早期華人移民之辛酸史。

在東盟各國之中, 馬國是比較先進之國家, 由於多半國民信奉回教, 每天清晨中午和傍晚都從清真寺傳來送經聲。 

當我們途經市區到達旅館途中, 還是有許多貧民低建築滲雜其中, 也是貧富不均之寫照。

Kuala Lumpur We Are Here 

We took a more than four-hours flight from Taipei to Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia with Ava Air. Their service was just so very great. I have been traveling around the world for years, and I have to rate Ava Air to be the best airline.

We are here because we wanted to participate in the 12th Annual World Reunion of the National Chengchi University with our fella alumnae from all over the world. Many of them have became very important leaders in this country. 

When our bus passed through the city, we still could see many small buildings within the tall buildings. This also signals that the country is undergoing many changes in their economy.

This is the first time I have visited this beautiful country. We were treated with a very traditional dinner with the so-called 'bone soup.' This is Malaysia's state dish. It also represents the many Chinese who came to this county and started their new lives. 

I am so glad to be here to see so many different cultures and meet with many of my old friends. Some of them we have not seen in many decades.