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社評 0920 政好有你 親愛精誠

社評 0920  政好有你 親愛精誠

政好有你 親愛精誠

由旅居馬來西亞政大同學會主辦的第十二屆全球校友嘉年華會正在吉隆坡舉行, 一連三天在雲頂高原,來自世界各地之校友共聚一堂, 重拾年青時代之記憶, 並和謝宗煌兄 、劉倬宇兄、 周鵬邦董事長等組成投資美國座談會前來參加盛會。

政治大學早年創辦於重慶, 近百年來在中國政治史上扮演着重要之角色,校友遍及全球。尤其在東南亞各國政大同學在金融工商界表現𠍇出。

週二上午在和校長有約之座談會上, 校友們紛紛向李蔡彥提出不可把蔣公銅像移走,並表示要保留四維堂。它是校友們之永久記憶 ,前來參加的還有校友總會理事長鄭丁旺及立法委員王鴻薇等。

當天的校友論壇中, 來自美國、 香港、 新加坡 、北京 、上海、 法國之校友們紛紛提出如何加强彼此之聯絡, 為母校未來之發展貢獻力量。

在最後的大會晚宴上數百位中外來賓共聚在佈置耀眼堂皇之大廳中,觀看表演及來賓之精彩演說, 並為大馬政大五十年慶切蛋糕。

對我們而言, 這是一次非常令人難忘之活動。

Big Celebration Of The Chengchi University World Alumnae Chapter

We are here in Malaysia to participate in the 12th Anniversary and worldwide reunion event of Chengchi University. More than two hundred alumnae have come here from all over the world.

Chengchi University was founded

almost one hundred years ago in China. It played a very important role in Chinese history, especially in the last few decades in Taiwan. Many politicians, businessmen and scholars are graduates of this great university.

The big celebration lasted for three days. Many dignitaries from many different countries delivered speeches and talked about the future of our university.

We were here to present the seminar entitled, "Investing In America." Mark Hsieh and James Liu  discussed many topics about real estate, education and banking.

This was a very interesting, meaningful and momentous trip for us!