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社評1013 大軍壓境 以軍將入侵加薩

社評1013   大軍壓境 以軍將入侵加薩

大軍壓境 以軍將入侵加薩

為了避免民間傷亡, 以色列官方宣稱要一百萬居住在加薩走廊的巴勒斯坦人向南方撤離, 他們面臨失去家園之命運 。但是哈馬斯希望他們能留下不要理會以色列之警告, 聯合國難民總署表示, 這項撤退行動困難重重。

正在中東訪問的美國國務卿布林肯今天會見了巴勒斯坦總統阿巴斯,表達對美國公民被綁架成為人質之高度關切 。截至目前為止, 已經有一千三百名以色列人犧牲,其中包括二百五十八名軍人及三千三百平民受傷, 而在加薩地區已經有一千五百名百姓死亡,六千多人受傷。

今天在全世界的人氣在沸騰, 阿拉伯世界及美國各地皆相繼大批之支持和反對集會。 拜登總統正在全力支持以色列之反抗行動。

以色列地面步隊已經在邊境待命, 未來二十四小時內將進入加薩走廊地區。如何面對二百萬巴勒斯坦居民及哈馬斯之反抗 ,拯救被擄的一百多名人質,全世界都在看。

數百年來因宗教政治信仰, 造成人類之相互殘殺, 時至今日還在不斷上演, 實在令人失望和痛心。

The Israeli Army Is Ready To Invade Gaza 

In order to avoid civilian casualties, Israeli officials have urged one million residents of Gaza to evacuate to the south. Hamas hopes that they will stay and ignore Israel’s warning. UN officials say it is impossible to move one million people within a day's notice.
U.S. Secretary of State Blinken who is visiting the Middle East met with Palestinian President Abbas as the U.S. grapples with its response to the Hamas attack and the fate of the American hostages.
Over the last few days, at least 1,300 Israelis have been killed, including 258 soldiers. In Gaza, at least 1,500 people have been killed and 6,000 have been injured.
Around the world tens of thousands of people have protested across the Middle East and the United States.
Israeli ground troops are on standby at the border. They will enter the Gaza Corridor area within the next 24 hours. Now they will face two million Palestinians and members of Hamas in an attempt to save the more than 100 hostages with the whole world watching.
For hundreds of years human beings have been killing each other due to religious and political beliefs, which is still going on today. It is all really heartbreaking and sad.