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社評1018 感恩惜福

社評1018     感恩惜福


世界真亂,中東戰事和俄烏之戰每天有多少人流離失所, 遍地屍體, 斷檐殘璧, 難民們之痛苦吶喊, 無水無電無糧食, 這一幕人間悲劇何時結束。

我們生活在免於戰火的人,此時此刻更要感激及珍視所擁有的一切,  無論是健康、 財富和友人都要心懷感激並善待它們,  無論碰到任何挫折都要保持樂觀之態度, 感恩身邊的一切珍惜當下每一天。

一位多年好友每次見面時都微笑地說, 我每天早上醒來都慶幸自已還活著, 這雖然是一句玩笑話, 但是也非常有哲理。 這說明每一個人都要抓緊自已的每一天 ,努力地活下去。

不幸的是許多人連活下去的權利都沒有了, 他們的命運主宰在別人手中。

上𠆤月我們在台北敍香園和十多位舊友同學餐敍, 誠然我們是非常幸運的一代, 至少數十年間我們是生活在風平浪靜之和平年代, 至今還能聚首高談闊論話當年, 難道不是人生最愉快之大事嗎?!

世事難料, 大家共同惜福, 至少向你周遭的人多說謝謝。

Thank You For Your Blessing 

The world is really chaotic. How many people are displaced everyday by the war in the Middle East and by the war in Ukraine?  The pain and suffering of the refugees shouts out, "No water! No food!" When will this human tragedy end?

We live in a war-free country. At this moment we should be more grateful and cherish everything that we have. Whether it is wealth, health and friends, we should be thankful and treat all of our blessings well. No matter what setbacks we encounter, we should maintain an optimistic attitude and be grateful for everything around us and cherish every day. 

A very dear friend of mine told me that he is very happy every morning when he wakes up and he is still alive. Although this sounds like a joke, it’s also very philosophical. It means that everyone has to work hard everyday. 

Unfortunately, many people don’t even have the right to live. Their fate is in the hands of others. 

Last month we had dinner with dozens of my old classmates in Taipei. It’s true that we are a very lucky generation. At least for decades we have been living in peaceful times. 

The world is very unpredictable. Let’s cherish our blessings together every day.