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社評 1027 兇殺慘劇再添一椿

社評 1027 兇殺慘劇再添一椿


緬因州南部城鎮路易斯頓在昨晚爆發多起槍擊案,一名兇手向酒館及保齡球塲亂槍掃射,現傷打死二十多人,並有五十位受傷。 警方確定兇嫌是四十多歲之退休軍官,目前仍然在逃, 市官員要附近居民不要出門並上鎖自衛。我們非常痛心再次有如此慘案發生, 這𠆤己經是我們社會之病態, 老實說 ,美國人人手一槍已經是非常普遍之現象, 管控槍支已經是不可能之任務。

 今天的社會生病了, 多少流浪街頭的精神病患, 多少從戰場上回來心理受創之退役軍人, 多少無業而心情低落之國民 ,都是萌生殺機之兇嫌 。悲劇總是一次次上演 ,聯邦政府也束手無策, 地方治安也警力不足, 我們希望政府能加强給予地方政府之補助, 並成立一個專門對付大型槍擊事件的机构,隨時動員能力前往事発地施援。我們在此為無辜死難者表示哀悼 ,並希望他們家屬親友節哀順變。

 Another Tragedy In America

A man opened fire at a bowling alley and in a bar in Lewiston, Maine, on Wednesday night killing at least 22 people and wounding more than fifty.

Police identified 40-year-old Robert Card as the suspect and he is reportedly still on the run and at-large. He had previously been committed to a mental health facility for two weeks in the summer of 2023. 

Maine's Governor Mills ordered all people living in the surrounding area of Lewiston to seek shelter and place and to lock their doors. President Biden spoke by phone with the governor and offered her the full support of the federal government in the wake of this horrific and tragic attack. 

Tragedy is always happening again and again. Local and federal governments are also helpless. Our society is so sick. Look at how many homeless and service men and women from the war zones suffer psychological damage. We really need to address this critical issue nationwide. 

We are here to express our sincere condolences for the innocent victims and their loved ones.