社評 1030 台灣大選决定國家未來命運
![社評 1030 台灣大選决定國家未來命運](https://scdaily.com/images/V0Xmz7qQPOAYzIokaO3oJ64fRZtHqv3gxUW3pBrj.png)
第十六屆中華民國總統副總統大選定於2024 年元月十三日舉行,凡是年滿二十歲包括居住在海外之僑民皆可申請返回台灣行使選舉權。根據2020 年大選 ,由代表民進黨之蔡英文以827 萬票比552 票打敗了國民黨的韓國瑜, 投票率高達74.9% ,是歴屆總統大選最高。
第十七屆總統大選如今已經在台灣如火如荼之展開, 根據最新之民調顯示, 民進黨的賴清德目前仍然領先, 但是如果柯文哲和國民黨之侯友宜藍白合作, 將會打敗民進黨取得執政權。
今天台灣之選舉情形非常複雜, 民進黨經過八年之執政, 大約超過一半以上國民都不滿意,超過一半以上之選民希望下架民進黨, 其中有兩個主要之原因:施政不彰, 影響施政效率, 國民擔心兩岸發生戰爭, 變成第二個烏克蘭。
我們非常關心台灣之大選及國家未來之安危, 在整個國際之大變局中稍有不慎就會成為犧牲品。
旅居美國多年, 我們時時關心兩岸局勢之變化, 我們也希望未來大選過後兩岸領導人能共同努力, 來為兩岸人民之長治久安找到答案, 不再是大國搏奕下之一顆棋子。
Taiwan’s General Election Will Determine The Future Fate Of The Country
The 16th Presidential Election of Taiwan (Republic of China) is scheduled to be held on January 13th in 2024. All overseas Taiwan citizens living abroad can apply to return to Taiwan to exercise their voting right. According to the 2020 general election, Tsai Ing-wen represented the Democratic Progressive Party and defeated KMT’s Han Kuo-yu with the vote count of 8.27 million to 5.52 million. The voting turnout of 74.9% was the highest in Taiwan presidential election history.
The 17th Presidential Race is now in full swing in Taiwan. According to the largest poll, the DPP’s candidate, Lai Chingde, is still leading. But if the People’s Party and KMT should cooperate, they will defeat the .DPP and gain the power in 2024.
Today’s election situation in Taiwan is very complicated now. Because the DPP has been in power for the last eight years, half of the voters are ready for a change of government. There are two major reasons for this thinking: first of all, is the complaint of poor overall governance by the government, and the second reason is that the people are very worried that a war on the Taiwan Strait will become a "second Ukraine."
We are very concerned about Taiwan’s election and the future of the country. We hope the leaders on both sides will find a long-time solution and bring real stability to the people.