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社評 1117 國際貿易中心成立21週年獻詞

社評 1117  國際貿易中心成立21週年獻詞


今晚我非常榮幸地在此和好友社區領袖及休斯敦政商外交領事代表共聚一堂, 慶祝國際貿易中心二十一歲生日。

45年前, 我和內人提着簡單之行囊從德州博蒙市拉馬大學來到休斯敦 ,從此就把這裡當成自己的家, 在此落地生根。

二十年前,在德州州議會代表武候伯之倡議下, 我們成功地經過立法而成立了休斯敦國際區 ,多年來我和和在座的許多位理事們成功地把一片荒地耕耘成了本市一個非常繁榮而耀眼的商業區。

就在此時, 在座的膝權先生、 金諾威先生和我們一起在國際區內創設了休斯敦國際貿易中心, 一萬五千多中小企業曾經通過此平台和世界各國進行貿易、 文化、 教育、 金融之交流。 


我們今天要特別感激至友國會議員多年來對國際區之大力支持和厚爱, 他是我們有史以來最親民愛民的民意代表, 我們今天的特別佳賓德州土地資源局長布丁罕博士 ,妳的光臨是我們極大之榮幸。 

今天我們更要感恩這塊土地給予我們成長生存和発展之機會和動力, 让我們共𧪽歷史之新篇章。

Speech For The International Trade Center 21st Anniversary Gala In Houston, Texas

Tonight I am very honored to be gathered here together with our friends, community leaders along with many political, business and diplomatic and consular representatives to celebrate the 21st birthday of the International Trade Center. 

45 years ago my wife Catherine and I came to Houston from Beaumont, Texas. Since then, we have always called Houston our home.

20 years ago with a bill sponsored by State Representative Hubert Vo in the Texas State Legislature, we created the  Houston International District. Tonight we celebrate along with our board members Stephen Le, Dr. Nancy Mai and Owen Wang the fact that we have made our district into one of the brightest economic zones in the city of Houston. A real superstar for our local economy!

Glen and Katy, Jim and Sophia, myself and my wife Catherine... all our three couples have celebrated our golden wedding anniversaries since we became the founders of ITC. Over the last 21 years, ITC has served more than 15,000 small businesses in the greater Houston region. We should be very proud of our accomplishments. 

Finally, we really appreciate this great land that gave us the opportunity to be a part of this great nation.

We are here tonight to write another chapter of our history together.