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社評 1122 台灣大選事關世界局勢

社評 1122  台灣大選事關世界局勢


中華民國總統大選定於明年元月十三日舉行, 這塲選戰將會決定台灣二千三百萬人民之命運, 也會牽動中美及世界未來之動向。

為了打敗現任的民進黨政府, 在野的國民黨及民眾黨希望結合行動, 打敗目前已經執政近八年的民進黨政府。

七十年來,中美兩國在台灣問題上存在許多無法解決之問題, 對台灣而言,對中國大陸之關係是無法擺脫之事實,更事關亞洲及世界之局勢走向。

我們生活在海外的華人同胞, 對於這場大選表達高度關注之最大原因,是對兩岸關係之未來影響, 我們決不願看到以戰爭手段來解決兩岸之分歧。

數十年來, 海峽兩岸人民以勤勞刻苦之美德, 取得了極大之成就, 況且中國大陸已成為世界第二大經濟體 ,這些成就實在是來之不易。 

我們忠心希望海峽兩岸之領導者以高度智慧來處理我們共同之未來, 戰爭沒有贏家。

Taiwan’s Election Is Related To The World Situation

The Presidential election of Taiwan will be held next year. This election will determine the fate of 23 million people in Taiwan and will also affect the future trends of the China and U.S. relationship. 

In order to defeat the current Democratic Progressive Party, the opposition party KMT and the People’s Party hope to combine their efforts to win the next election.

Over the past 70 years, there have been many unsolved problems between Taiwan and China and the United States.

We are very concerned that this election will have a strong impact on the future relations in the Taiwan Strait. Over the past several decades, the people on both sides have accomplished great achievements with much hard work. Moreover, China has now become the second largest economy in the world. 

We sincerely hope the leaders on both sides will use their wisdom to avoid any future conflict or war.