社評 1129 藍天會在台灣再現嗎

中華民國在台灣之總統副總統爭奪戰, 目前正在激烈展開中, 民進黨、 國民黨及民眾黨都希望奪得勝利,主導未來政權。
半年多來, 由柯文哲及侯友宜主導之民眾國民兩黨在台北君悅飯店之最後談判 ,以鬧劇不歡而散, 大家分道揚鏢 。
有百年歷史的國民黨立即提名媒體界老將有政治金童之稱的趙少康及前高雄市長韓國瑜加入戰鬥行列 ,這支強壯隊伍終於使國民黨鹼魚翻身, 幾天之內直逼民進黨之民調, 而且有後來居上之趨勢。
郭趙兩人之加入立即全面召回藍營人馬, 把基本盤重整到百分之三十以上。
民進黨執政近八年來, 從改課綱到清算黨產, 逼走媒體 ,已經使反對者咬牙切齒。
國民黨此番若能重掌大權, 主張九二共識, 立即恢復兩岸交流, 重改課綱, 缩短兵役, 重啟核電, 恢復特別檢察署 。
不過海外支持者已經做好準備, 藍天是否重現, 答案將很快呈現。
Will The Blue Sky Reappear In Taiwan?
The battle for the President and Vice President of Taiwan (Republic of China) is currently fiercely unfolding. The Democratic Progressive Party, the KMT and the People’s Party hope to win and dominate the future regime.
For more than six months the
KMT and the People’s Party's final negotiations finally ended up in a farce.
The century-old KMT immediately nominated Chao Shaokang and Han Kuo yu to join the battle.This strong team turned the poll upside down very close to the current government’s party and there was
a tendency to rise again later.
In the past eight years, the current government has been in power which has included changing the curriculum, liquidating KMT ‘s property and forcing TV stations out of service.
If the KMT regains the power, they will advance the 1992 consensus immediately and resume cross-Strait exchange, revise the curriculum, restart the nuclear power plant and restore the special prosecutor's office.
Many overseas Blue’s supporters are very excited and ready to join the force. Whether the blue sky will reappear or not, the answer will be presented soon.