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社評 1215 族裔聯盟大團結

社評 1215 族裔聯盟大團結



德州族裔大聯盟成立大會上週日在德州休斯敦正式成立, 當天並且得到各界之捐款十萬美元, 做為今後推動會務之資金。

早在年前,德州州議會曾提出第147 條法案,企圖禁止華人在德州購買土地及地產, 造成華亞裔社區之極大反抗, 在各族裔之奧援下總算暫時擱置。 

好友國會眾議員格林及非裔領袖狄克森對此十分關注,並建議此時此刻應該大家團結起來, 共同面對惡法。 自去年開始 ,各族裔人士先後舉行了無數次之籌備工作, 最終決定常設機構來為我們發聲爭取應有之權益。

大聯盟今後推動兩項重大工作, 其中包括舉辦大型群眾大會表達我們之心聲, 同時向議會立法及政府相局, 密切關注立法情況, 並且要定時向主流媒體遞送文稿表達我們的看法。

當晚參加的華裔領袖包括Larry Wong 、  Alice Chan、 Gene Wu、 Kennth Li、 Ada Wang、  Kevin Yang、Gordon Quan、Mary Lee、Dr Steve Pei、 Eileen Huang 、Harry Sun 、Helen Shih  、Derqi Yang 皆紛紛解囊捐款給大聯盟, 推動今後之工作, 當晚並由Ada wang 在她新購之豪宅中招待賓客。

事實上我們應該非常清楚目前亞裔在美國之處境,許多政客都在利用矛盾謀取自己之利益 。我們必須行動起來, 團結一致 ,向不公不義之事挑戰。

Ethnic Alliance Of Great Unity

The founding Meeting of the Texas Multi-Cultural Advocacy Coalition (TEMA) has been officially established in Houston, Texas. The organization has received more than $100,000 in donations to fund the activities of the new organization.

As recently as one year ago, the Texas State Legislature introduced Article 147 to prohibit Chinese from buying real estate in Texas which caused great frustration and resistance from our community. 

Our dear friend Congressman Al Green and Bishop James Dixon are very concerned about this bill and have suggested that we should unite to fight against this evil bill.

Our organization named TEMA will promote two major tasks in the future including holding large-scale demonstrations to express our 

voice while paying close attention to governmental legislative issues, and then writing and sending articles on these issues to major media outlets.

The Chinese community leaders came together to support this cause and made financial donations and they included Larry Wong, Alice Chen, Gene Wu, Kennth Li, Ada Wang, Kevin Yang, Gordon Quan, Mary Lee, Dr. Steve Pei, Harry Sun, Eileen Huang, Helen Shih and Derqi Yang. Ada Wang opened her beautiful house to entertain all the guests. 

Today we are facing the biggest challenges in our nation and in our community. We need to unite to express our concerns related to our future in this land right now and for the next generation.

We are so happy that all the ethnic groups came forward to be a part of our team.