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社評1220 這是我們要更加團結之時刻

社評1220   這是我們要更加團結之時刻


美國之總統選舉正在加熱之中, 共和黨川普在他的演說中公然攻擊非法移民是『毒害我們的血液】,全盤否定移民對美國之貢獻 ,此語一出,全國譁然, 對我們移民社區而言, 正在敲起警鐘, 這是我們要更加團結的時刻了。

在此同時, 克羅拉多州最高法院判決禁止川普在該州選總統之権利, 也是全美第一個州向他發難。

在此同時, 拜登總統在紀念廢除排華法案時, 對華裔對國家之貢獻表示高度讃揚。

我們不禁要問, 川普這項談話是對我們的極端污辱和挑戰, 難道這個國家的命運和前途就靠幾句偏激言論來左右的嗎?

我們要在此提醒大家, 明年美國總統大選很可能是川普回來, 果真如此他的怪異主張將會嚴重影响我們的前途, 包括中美台關係將會有高度之不確定性。

美國的民主已經走過二百四十年之久, 我們自封是世界民主之模範, 如今看來真是個大笑話。

為了保障我們之公民権,  這是我們共同行動之時刻了。

This Is The Time For Us To Be More United

The presidential election is heating up. In a recent speech, the leading Republican candidate, former president Donald Trump, openly attacked illegal aliens saying they are, “poisoning our blood,” while completely ignoring the overwhelming contributions of the immigrants for many years to this land. 

At the same time, the Supreme Court of Colorado made a decision to bar Trump’s right to be elected in their state as president of the U.S., being the first state to do so. 

In Washington DC, President Biden yesterday highy praised the contributions of Chinese - Americans to the country while commemorating the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act.

Trump’s remark is an extreme insult and challenge to all us, especially we who live in the communities of immigrants. We really wanted to ask the question, "Does the fate and future of our nation depend on the opinions 

and predjudices of a few people with extreme ideas?"

We would like to remind you that in Trump's comeback campaign to regain the presidency, his strange ideas will seriously and deeply affect our future, including the future relationship between China and Taiwan.     

Democracy in the United States has been here for more than two hundred and forty years. For a long time, we have called ourself "the model of world democracy." Now it really seems more and more like a joke. 

In order to protect our rights, now is the time to be united.