社評1225 廢土變良田 歲末互勉

廢土變良田 歲末互勉
今天是西方人極其重要之日子聖誕節日 ,家家戶戶忙著團圓的日子 ,這股力量充分表現了宗教對整個社會之影響和約束力。
當我們選擇了這片土地而落葉生根之時, 轉瞬已經數十寒暑 ,不論我們大家有任何成就和經歴, 每個人在異鄉打拼總有一個自己的故事和夢想。百年之前, 多少華人前輩因國家之贫苦得遠走他鄉, 开拓自己之前途, 這些血淚史是我們的永遠記憶。
上週我參加了休斯敦市政府之特別記者招待會, 主持人市長特納、 美國國會議員格西亞及另一國會議員芙萊徹 市議員湯姆斯 、市府工程高管在會上宣布撥款修建休斯敦國際區之人行安全道路,我也以區長身份在會上發言 讲述二十年來國際區從荒地變良田之故事。
言畢之後我和市長及兩位國會議員親切握手, 也得到台下參加者之掌聲。 老實說, 我心中是十分激動,這份榮譽真的來之不易 ,更要感激多年來參與工作的許多伙伴們 ,這份光榮和成績是大家共同努力之成果。
歲末年終之時 ,我們國際社區要加強互助合作, 抱團取暖 ,让和睦團結之氣氛充滿社區。
A Wasteland Turns Into A Fertile Field
Today is Christmas Day. This is a busy day for family reunions. The united sharing of this holiday fully demonstrates the influence
of religion throughout the whole society.
When we chose this land and left our past lives behind to take root here, it seems as though many decades have come and gone in a flash.
No matter what achievements and experiences we have had, everyone always has their story and dreams to tell. More than one hundred years ago our pioneers came here because of the poverty in the home country. This bloody and tearful history is etched in our eternal memory.
Last week I attended a special news conference hosted by Mayor Turner and U.S. Congresswoman Garcia and City Councilwoman Thomas.They made an announcement that federal funds have been allocated to build a pedestrian safety walkway in our International District. I also spoke at the meeting as the chairman of the district and told the story of how we have changed the district into a thriving business corridor.
Following my remarks, I shook hands with Mayor Turner and the two congresswomen and thanked them for all their efforts. To be honest, I was very excited and grateful as well for the joint efforts of so many of our Board members.
At the end of the year, we all wish to build a warm, united and harmonious community together.