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社評1230 休斯敦市政府新領導班子

社評1230 休斯敦市政府新領導班子


休斯敦市民將於下週二迎接新的市長、 主計長及六位市議員, 他們將在未來四年領導市政工作。

新任市長惠特邁將於週一上午首先在市政府宣誓由郡法官翠文諾監誓 ,隨後他將由現任警察局長芬尼陪同首先到市區去巡視, 惠特邁市長說:“ 我真的急着盡快上任,連一分鐘都不想等待。”

市長正式就職大典將於週二上午九時半在沃登大劇場舉行, 在可容納千人以上的劇塲市民可以自由叄加 ,典禮之後, 新任市長將前往市議會主持首次市議員會議, 正式展開市政工作。

此次之市長選舉 ,惠特邁市長一直保持非常領先之地位, 而女國會議員希拉積克遜李一直無法追赶上去。

新市長上任之初, 必然是市政如麻 ,人事安排政策推動也是非常大之挑戰, 不過他的親民作風 ,將會為他加分, 也希望他的政見能逐步落實為民造福。

The New Leadership Team At City Hall

Houston citizens will welcome the new mayor and six city council members who, along with the city controller, will be sworn in next Tuesday to lead the fourth largest city in the nation. 

The new mayor, John Whitmire, who will be sworn in first on Monday morning stated that, "I just want to go to work and don’t want to wait for another minute."

The official inauguration ceremony of the mayor will be held on Tuesday at 9:30 am along with the city controller and six new city council members. 

In the mayoral runoff election, Whitmire led all the way by a big margin in a landslide victory. The new mayor wants to be, "the people’s mayor," which is his style of leadership. 

This fourth largest city in the nation is also facing many challenges. As John Whitmire assumes the position of Houston's next mayor, we all need to support and work together with him to reach our common goals and create a safe city in the future.