社評 0116 郭董到哪裡去了

國民黨藍營以九十二萬之差敗給民進黨, 飲恨敗選 ,讓綠營打破八年執政之歷史,再度掌握政權。 海內外藍軍一片哀嘆 ,這個百年老店是否會打烊關店將無法再起。
此次大選最初之在野藍白合, 最後是分手收塲。在選戰中令民進黨得利,以百分之四十一之選票得勝 ,也證明有近六成選民並不同意民進黨繼續當政,不論得票多少,還是領先者得天下。
在選戰最後幾天, 國民黨候選人卯足全力呼籲鴻海集團郭台銘,希望他出面力挺藍軍來下架民進黨 。但是他堅持不出面,也拒絕發表任何聲明, 因而讓國民黨無法得到奧援, 不過即便他近百萬之選票可能也救不了候康配。
今天的立法院, 如果國民黨能把韓國瑜推上院長寶座, 這將是執政黨之剋星和制衡監督之力量。
郭總的血液裡可能是流著中華民國藍軍傳統, 但是他這次他背叛了自己的理念, 郭董你在哪𥚃?
( 图片来源: 路透社)
Where Is Terry Kuo?
During the Taiwan election, the KMT party blue camp lost to the DPP party by a margin of 920,000 votes which gave the DPP continued control of power. The blue camp questioned whether it was now possible that this one-hundred-year-old party would be able to rise again.
At the beginning of the election the blue camp wanted to join the People’s Party to challenge the DPP, but they failed and the result was that the DPP party got 40.5% of the vote and won the election.
Over the last few days, the KMT made all the effort to try and convince Terry Kuo to help, but he just hid out somewhere and refused to join the blue camp again.
Fortunately, the KMT still won in Legislative Yaun to balance the power.
Terry Kuo, the founder of Foxconn, was in the blue camp of the KMT, but this time he refused to support his own camp and people do not know why.