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社評0131 給艾利夫學區捐獎學金

社評0131   給艾利夫學區捐獎學金


上週前往國際區內之艾利夫學區總部拜會了新任學區總監梅斯博士, 向他致贈二千元之獎助學金, 並向他的新職表示祝賀。

艾利夫學區近年來在先後任學區總監之努力下 ,曾經通過了數億元之教育公債, 為舊校舍之更新和興建了一座數十萬呎之職訓中心, 分別設有烹飪、 汽車修理、 電焊、 護理 、電視攝影等技術培訓,造就許多技術專業人才。 

我們非常感謝在梅斯總監之協助下, 農暦新年遊園會及第一屆休斯敦國際工商大展將於二月十日在職訓中心舉行, 為休斯敦多元族裔文化繼續寫下歷史之新頁。

Donation Of Scholarships To Alief School District

Last week we went to Alief Independent School District to present a two-thousand-dollar check to Dr. Mays the superintendent of the district.

In recent  years, the school district, which is also located in our International District, passed a bond to rebuild old schools and build many new schools, including the Career Center on Richmond Avenue. The Center will teach students career choices that include cooking, automobile repair, welding, TV editing and nursing aides and will graduate many technicians who will serve in many industries. 

We are so very grateful that we can use this Center to celebrate our Lunar New Year and our first Houston International Expo. 

This is our home and we are living in such a multi-cultural community.  We need to open our arms and welcome the newcomers.