美國新冠疫情日記5/29/2020 Social Order And Freedom Of Press

Social Order And Freedom Of Press
Because of the police brutality in the George Floyd case, a lot of national unrest has erupted. In many major U.S. cities, many peaceful demonstrations have turned into violence. President Trump tweeted today and said that, “I can’t stand back and watch this happen to a great American city like Minneapolis. A total lack of leadership. Either the very weak radical left Mayor Jacob Frey gets his act together and brings the city under control, or I will send in the National Guard and get the job done right.”
Houston, Texas, the city George Floyd was born in, will host a big rally to protest police brutality. We very much regret this event that has already created political turmoil.
In the past several decades, racial discrimination has been one of the most serious issues in America. In our communities, law enforcement has always viewed African-American and minorities as a major source of crime and have used excessive force on these people. Now, in Floyd’s case, the use of force has become a national tragedy.
President Trump has just signed an executive order and asked Congress to revoke the Section 230 part of a1996 law that laid out rules for online media. He said today we are facing the gravest danger to our right of freedom of speech in American history.
Today, the United States of America has really come to a crossroad. This great nation was founded on democracy, liberty and freedom of speech. With all the things happening today in our society, will our national spirit be broken and changed?
喬治佛洛伊德被明尼阿波羅市警察虐待致死案, 在全國各地之抗議遊行集會中已經造成傷亡及搶劫商店之不幸場面,川普總統今天指責市長弗萊爾是左翼無能,希望他們立即控制好市區治安,否則將派國防民兵來執行任務。
長久以來,在美國社會存在的種族歧視問題已經是不爭之事實,執法者對非裔及少數族裔帶著有色眼光,判定他們是犯罪嫌疑人,加上社會上槍枝泛濫, 警察們往往以暴力方式對待嫌犯,多年來,已經發生過無數次不幸事件。