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社評0203 老中青新舊僑老友在美南新聞大團聚

社評0203  老中青新舊僑老友在美南新聞大團聚


上週三我們邀集了近百位僑界大老及新僑近百人聚集在美南電視環球劇坊, 大家共話家常 ,參與者是我們多年老友及美南新聞之讀者和聽眾群, 他們曾經陪同我們一路走過數十年之歲月, 我們心中永存感激之情。

當天在座的有許多土生土長來自廣東福建臺灣的老僑以及近年來自大陸的新僑, 多年來我們在這塊土地上共同打拼皆卓有所成。

為了加強對各僑團僑社之新聞報導, 我們也敦請大家提供中英文之活動消息以加強美南新聞和僑胞之間之連絡這,也是我們一直追求之目標。

我們同時邀請大家參加下週六二月十日慶祝第二十八屆農曆春節新年之大型活動及首屆休斯敦工商大展 大家共同迎接龍年之光臨。

我們一直熱烈期盼身在美國之華裔人士必須守望相助, 團結一心, 大家共同爭取我們應有之權益, 為我們及下一代之生存共同奮鬥。

這些新老朋友們也參觀了我們的電視臺、印刷厰房,為他們詳盡解說媒體之運作, 以及正在興建中之環球第一銀行大樓, 預計年底完工使用。

Old And New Friends Unite At Southern News Group

Last Wednesday we invited close to one hundred elders and new friends to gather in our STV television studio. The participants included our old friends for many decades and many of them were also newcomers. They have accompanied us all the way through our journey. 

At that meeting there were many old Chinese American friends from Guangdong, Fujian and Taiwan, as well as new Chinese from the mainland in recent years. Over the years, many of them have made outstanding successes in many fields. 

In order to broaden and strengthen the news coverage of our company, we asked our guests to provide us more news from their different associations. 

At the same time we also invited them to participate in the 28th Anniversary Lunar New Year celebration next week on Saturday, February10th. 

We alway have urged all of the members of our community to be united and to fight for our future in this land. 

These new and old friends also toured our TV studio and printing plant. We explained to them how the operations of the newspaper and TV production are handled every day. We took a photo together in front of the Global One Bank construction site which will be completed at the end of this year.