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社評 0207 歲末有感

社評 0207  歲末有感


我們欣見華亞裔社區正在熱烈慶祝龍年之到來, 雖然身在他鄉, 我們對於固有文化之追尋都抱有極大之熱情。

昨天在電視上看到新加坡總理李顯龍伉儷在慶祝農曆春節之燈會上發表了充滿激情之談話, 他充分肯定華裔對國家之貢獻,並且以此為榮。 前交通部長趙小蘭多次在她的演說中表示 ,我們要以華裔美人為榮 。

近年來,由於世界及美國國內政治格局之改變, 對華亞裔之処境也隨之困難, 許多令人髮指之法案, 充滿歧視和違反我們立國之基本精神。

今天我們許多華亞裔美人貢獻了自己的青春和才智, 共同建設這𠆤偉大的移民國家, 我們是這塊土地之主人,我們決不畏懼政客之無理行徑, 必須團結一心, 為我們應有之權益而戰。

( 图片来源: 路透)

 Feelings At The End Of The Year

We are so happy to see that the Chinese Asian community is enthusiastically celebrating the arrival of the Year of the Dragon.    We live here in America and are   

still very proud of our own heritage.

We saw on television from Singapore that Prime Minster Lee Hsien Long and his wife delivered a passionate talk at the Lantern Festival Celebration of the Lunar New Year. He fully affirmed the contributions of the Chinese people to the country and was very proud of it. Former Secretary of Transposition Elaine Chow always said in her speech that, "We should very proud of being Chinese while  seeing America as our country."

Today many Chinese Americans have contributed their lifetimes and talents to build this country together. We must not ever fear the unreasonable acts of politicians. We must be united as one and always fight for our rights and interests.