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社評.0209 我們回家了

社評.0209   我們回家了



各位兄弟姐妹們, 敬愛的市長, 各位民選官員 ,大家好!

今天我們回家了, 回到了這個國際大家庭。 我要特別感謝梅爾博士為我們提供如此美崙美奐的艾利學區職訓中心大廈,以及近百位之籌備委員社區領袖們之努力, 我們大家聚集一堂 ,共同迎接龍年之到來。

農暦新年是一個家庭團聚興高採烈之日子, 我們在中國、 越南、 馬來西亞、 新加坡等亞洲各國正在舉辦各種春節活動, 為龍年之到來為大家共同祈福。

我們非常慶幸今天在此共集一堂, 我們更要感謝這片土地為我們及下一代提供了得以成家立業之機會。

各位弟兄姐妹們, 雖然目前之環境對我們有許多挑戰, 但是我們必須團結起來, 共同對付那些不公不義之政客, 為我們之權益而戰。

今天之慶祝大會代表了我們亞裔國際社區之力量, 市長先生,我們一定團結在您的領導之下, 共同為休斯敦及德州之繁榮共同奮鬥, 謝謝各位。

We Are Coming Home

Speech At The 28th Annual Texas International Lunar Festival 

Good morning -


Dear Mr. Mayor, elected officials and my Brothers and Sisters -

Today we are coming home as an 'International Family' as we come together to celebrate the Lunar New Year and welcome the Year of the Dragon. We really appreciate that Dr. Mays has given us such a beautiful center to hold our Lunar Festival in, and special thanks go out to Mayor Whitmire and his staff for their support and for the great help from all of our host committee.

The Lunar New Year is the most important festival in all of Asia. This is the time that families come home for reunions, to wear new suits and dresses to celebrate the holiday and plan bright futures for the new year. 

Today, many of us have come from all corners of the world and we came here looking for a new life. We are so grateful that this land has given us the opportunity and the liberty to create many success stories which is why we now call this nation our home. 

Dear Brothers and Sisters, in today's world we are facing many challenges. We must always unite to fight against all unfair and unjust practices that go against our lawful freedoms. We always need to protect our rights and self-interests. 

Today’s celebration represents the strength of our international Asian community.

Mr. Mayor, congratulations on your victory and we will follow you.