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社評0214 各族社區領袖和環球第一銀行共度春節

社評0214  各族社區領袖和環球第一銀行共度春節


環球第一銀行週一在美南電視環球劇場舉行春節團拜大會, 一百餘位華亞裔及國際人士共聚一堂, 共同迎接龍年之到來。

環球第一銀行腔股公司旗下之教堂山銀行不到一年時間收支平衡, 業務鼎盛 ,主要是銀行股東及董事涵蓋各族裔國際人士,  並且皆是事業有成之工商界領袖。

今午參加之贵賓是我們多年來之好友, 他們对於環球第一銀行寄予高度期望, 希望為社區之發展共同努力。

正在興建中之銀行大樓 ,目前已經完成了整地工程, 並將於下週開始安裝鐵莊工程, 預計七月下旬可以完成上樑及圍牆工程, 一切都在順利進行中。

銀行開業以來, 已經吸引大批來自中國大陸、 越南、 台灣、 尼伯爾 、菲律賓及主流社區之客戶, 他們對於以客為尊之服務態度十分欣賞 ,也是我們成功之原因。

今天我們打開銀行大門, 無論您從事任何行業,都是我們合作及服務之對象。

Community Leaders Of All Ethnic Groups Spent The Lunar Festival  With Global One Bank

Global One Bank held a Spring Festival Party at the STV Global Studio on Monday. More than one hundred Chinese, Asians and international people gathered together to welcome the arrival of the Year of the Dragon. The distinguished guests who participated in this afternoon gathering expresed that they have high expectations for our bank and hope to work together for the development of the community. 

Our new bank building is under construction and the laying of the foundation has also been completed. It is expected that the beam and wall project can be completed by late July. 

Since our grand opening, we have expected to attract a large number 

of customers from different ethnic communities. We believe that our customers are our first priority and our door will always be open to serve you.