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社評 0220 會見老友

社評 0220  會見老友


週一上午和衣索比亞駐休斯總總領事卡比地大使及環球第一銀行董事長J.P. 樸一起前往市中心赫裏斯郡政府總部,拜會郡政府委員艾利斯, 老友相見甚歡。

艾利斯是非裔族群非常𠍇出之政治領袖及民意代表 ,他一路從當選市議員 、州參議員一直到成為郡委員, 都是高票當選。

在今天之會見中, 我們討論了許多有關社區面對之問題, 尤其是郡政府如何加強和社區銀行之合作, 他極力主張政府應該透過社區銀行給予少數族裔在商業貸款之服務。 其中包括請求各大學區及各級政府應該把一些存款存到社區銀行,以便有更多資金應用到小額商業貸款,有利於社區經濟之繁榮。

赫裏斯郡是全美人口眾多之行政區, 由五位委委及郡長共同主持政務。 多年來, 外來人口不斷湧入, 經濟也隨之蓬勃發展。

我們和艾利斯委員己經結識多年, 他對於社區治安及經濟發展十分關心, 此次會面將繼續探討金融、治安之各項問題。

 Meeting With An Old Friend

Monday morning we visited Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis' office with Honorable Ethiopian Consul General Kebede and Chairman of Global One Bank J.P. Park.

Commisioner Ellis is our old friend and he is one of the outstanding political leaders in the city. Over the years he has been elected with high voter support as a City Councilman, State Senator and Harris County Commisioner.

In today's meeting we discussed many problems now being faced by our community, especially how the county government can strengthen cooperation with local community banks. He suggested that all the local governments should deposit some funds into local community banks and help many small, local businesses empower the local community economy to grow.

With the arrival of more newcomers moving into our county, we need to also create more jobs for them.

We have known Commisioner Ellis for many years. He is also very concerned about our community's public security and economic issues. This meeting will be continued in the future.