社評0223 親如手足弟兄的格林眾議員

週四晚間我們在皇家橡園俱樂部為剛康復出院的美國眾議院議員格林舉辦了一場溫馨的餐會 ,慶賀他的康復及迎接龍年之到來。
記得當他首次在我們社區競選眾議員時, 我們聚集一群社區領袖為他助選 。二十年來 ,他繼續連任至今 ,在我的記憶中,他是我們多年來關係最密切之國會議員 。他總是在我們面臨各種困難時——水災 、疫情、 治安、 賀年、 婚喪喜慶都有他的身影。
在當晚之慶宴上, 他對目前之國內外情勢有著無比之憂慮, 諸如加薩走廊對嬰𠒇之慘殺, 俄羅斯可能掀起之核災難, 他對中美關係之關切, 他極力主張國民之間之交往非常重要, 是改善兩國關係之基礎。
在他的支持下, 我們已經組成德州多元族裔聯盟, 並籌得超過十萬元基金, 希望對我們今後維権爭取平等之工作有所貢獻。
老實說, 格林議員和我們已經是親如弟兄, 無話不談, 即便他在病床上也要通過電話向大家拜年。
Congressman Al Green Is As Close As A Brother
Last Thursday night Mr. Stephen Le Sr. hosted a dinner party at the Royal Oaks Country Club for U.S. Congressman Al Green who had just been discharged from the hospital to celebrate his recovery and to welcome the arrival of the Year of the Dragon.
I remember when Congressman Green first ran for Congress. We gathered together a small group of leaders to help him in his election effort. He has now been re-elected for the last twenty years. In my memory he is the closest congressman we have been with for these many years. He has always been there for us during all of the challenges we have experienced over the years including the floods, the epidemic, public safety issues, weddings and funerals and whenever we faced all kinds of difficulties.
At the party that night he was extremely worried about the current world situation such as the massacre of babies in the war and the possibility of a nuclear disaster. Expressing his concern about the Sino-U.S. relationship, Congressman Green strongly advocated that the relationship exchanges between both people are very important for both countries as well as for the whole world.
With Congressman Green's support, we have formed the Texas Multi-Cultural Coalition hoping to protect our rights in the future.
To be honest, we are as close as brothers. We have nothing we can’t talk about. Even when he was in the hospital bed, he called us to say, "Happy Lunar New Year!"
We all sincerely wish him well in the protection of our country and in his tireless efforts for the well-being of our community.