社評 0226 我們正在譜寫歷史

就在四年前,為了籌備環球第一銀行之工作, 我們大家聚集在美南電視環球劇場, 今天我們再度在此集會, 令我們感到驕傲和興奮的是, 這支堅強之金融隊伍已經在茁壯成長中。
今年首次環球第一銀行全體董事和員工之年度會議今天在此召開, 五十多位同仁共聚一堂 ,談我們的過去、現在和未來。
環球第一銀行之組成團隊正代表了多元族裔的美國社會,我們本來就是一個移民國家, 只有先來後到之分, 在我們董事會成員中有前任郡長、華裔、 韓裔、 印裔、 越裔、 尼伯爾裔 、巴裔、 拉丁裔,充分代表了各大族裔人士。
銀行開市還不到週年, 我們的總資產超過一億三千萬, 貸款已近一億元, 並且已經是收支平衡, 這是非常耀眼之成績, 也打破了社區銀行三年才能收支平衡之記錄。
正在興建中的環球第一銀行金融中心大樓, 自去年十二月八日破土動工之後, 目前基礎建設已經完成, 預計在七月底前可以完成四層樓高之牆面結構工程, 所有銀行之裝修工程也將同步開始裝修。
在我們整體規劃之大藍圖中, 我們將完成美南集團下的媒體中心, 國際貿易中心及銀行金融中心大樓 ,三位一體完成我們的夢想,寫下美國移民之歷史新頁。
We Are Writing History
Just four years ago we were working in preparation around the plans for opening Global One Bank. Today, we gathered here again at the STV Global Studio. What makes us so proud and excited is that this strong financial team is already thriving. We are all really anticipating an exciting and productive future.
The annual meeting of all directors and employees of Global One Bank for the first time this year was held today. More than 50 colleagues gathered together to talk about our past, present and future.
Our team reflects a multi-ethnic cross-section of all America. We are all immigrants from many countries. Among the member of our board are immigrants from different corners of the globe including Chinese, Korean, Indians, Latinos, Vietnamese and Nigerian that fully represent people of most major ethnic groups.
It has been less than one year since our bank has opened. Our total assets are already over $130 million and our loan amount is at about $110 million and the bank is already operating with a balanced budget.
We are so happy that our bank will be moved to its new headquarters to best serve our community very soon.
The Financial Center of Global One Bank has been under construction since December 8 of last year. This four-story building will be completed by the end of this year.