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社評0227 鑽地机敲動着我們的心

社評0227  鑽地机敲動着我們的心


這幾天清晨,休斯敦天氣清爽更是陽光普照,我特別起早七點前就趕到美南新聞廣塲, 共同見証幾輛大型的鑽地機開進了工地, 開始在地基上鑽五十二個大小洞穴, 並裝置上深達二十英尺之鋼圈並注入水泥, 為美南環球第一銀行金融中心大樓奠下堅實之地基。

此時此刻, 我注視着轉動和巨聲之輪軸 ,心中之掀起了激情, 這是我人生極感動之旅程, 是多年之艱苦奮鬥更是築夢成真的紥實感覺。

數十年來, 我們從踏上這塊土地之後, 就沒有後退之路 。在這陌生的異地,只有勇往直前 。當年走在金門橋畔, 目睹衣冠楚楚 ,華麗洋房和時尚之座車, 這是置身於黃金之州。 此時此刻, 我們只有下定決心, 勾劃自己之未來藍圖, 繼續前進。

從讀書、 成家和創業 一路上碰撞, 遭遇過無數挫折, 更面對過許多絕望的時刻, 每次想到家人之期望和未來, 總是再次提起精神繼續往前衝刺。

今天我們把金融中心大樓從平地而起, 歸功於全體工作伙伴之並肩作戰, 也感激這塊土地給予之機會, 我們一定會為當地今後之經濟發展和繁榮貢獻心力。

建樓之工程進度非常順暢 ,我特別交待同仁每天都向辛苦的建築工人提供早午餐, 表示謝意。

這座金融中心大樓預計七月底前之外牆及鋼結構會完成, 整個銀行裝修在年底峻工。

每天清晨來到建築工地, 我摸在圍牆欄桿上, 心中有無限之愉悅和激情, 尤其是在沒有烏雲的藍天, 頗有此生無憾之喜悅。

The Drilling Machine Knocks At Our Heart

In the early morning these days the weather in Houston, Texas, is refreshing and sunny. I especially got up early in the morning and rushed over to our office. Several large drilling rigs had entered the construction site and had begun to drill 52 large and small holes into the ground. A steel ring was set up to a depth of twenty feet and cement was being injected into each opening. It is the first step before laying out the solid foundation for the Global One Bank Financial Center building. 

At this moment I was watching the wheel on a continuous axis of rotation coupled with the sound of a loud voice. The passion of my heart was set off by the welcoming activity of progress. This has been an extremely touching journey in my life. This moment has been made possible only by the hard struggles and sacrifices of many years which have now brought to us this deep feeling of realizing today's dream. 

For decades we have never had a thought to go back since the day we set foot in this land. The decision was clear to me then: in this strange place we can only move forward bravely. When I was in San Francisco, I walked through the Golden Gate and witnessed gorgeous houses and well-dressed people and beautiful new cars. This is the Golden State of California and we can only make up our mind to draw our future blueprint and keep moving forward. 

From that moment, I have encountered countless setbacks along the way, but I never gave up. Every time I think of my parents and my family's expectations for myself and for my future, my spirit was always lifted up again and I continued to sprint forward. 

Today we raised the financial building from the flat ground with deepest thanks to all our working partners 

for fighting with us side-by-side. The progress of the construction has gone very smoothly. We expect to complete the wall and steel structure at the end of July. 

Every time when I pass by the job site, especially when the sky is blue without any clouds, I have a feeling of the joy of life without regrets.