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社評 0304 首屆【德州休斯敦國際工商投資博覧會】宣言

社評 0304    首屆【德州休斯敦國際工商投資博覧會】宣言


今天我們在美國德州休斯敦正式展開「第一屆德州休斯敦國際工商投資博覽會」之籌備工作 ,將為德州和全球之經濟、 投資和文化交流做出搭橋建路之積極努力。

值此美南集團慶祝四十五週年及美南國際區及國際貿易中心創建二十二週年之際, 我們在德州休斯敦政府、 國會議員、聯邦商務部、 各國總領事外交代表 、工商界領袖之全力支援下, 邀集來自亞洲、非洲、 歐洲、 拉丁美洲和全球各地之企業家、 政商人士前來休斯顿共同探索經濟投資和人文交流之機會。

此次大會定於二O二四年十月三十一及十一月一日兩天在休斯敦市區內的希爾頓大酒店及布朗會議中心隆重舉行。 其中包括全天的博覽會,邀集醫療、 能源、 農業、 AI技技、 地產投資、 金融、 教育、 EB5移民等各行業專家舉辦各种面對面對接研討見面會, 休斯敦市長惠特曼及德州州長艾伯特皆已應邀出席發表主旨演講, 歡迎來自全球之代表加入德州經濟投資發展之行列。

我們非常慶幸生活在這個多元種族充滿希望的國家, 多年來華亞裔國際社區已經是美國非常活躍的組成部分, 正逢美南新聞集團成立四十五週年之際, 首次之【德州休斯敦國際工商投資博覽會】充分顯示我們對社區繁榮和種群和睦之努力。





Declaration Of The First Annual HOUSTON INTERNATIONAL EXPO


Today we are here to officially launch the preparation initiative for the First Annual Houston International Expo in Houston, Texas. The Expo will make a positive impact toward building bridges for business investments and culture exchanges between Texas and the global economy. 

On the occasion of the 45th anniversary of Southern News 

Group and the 22nd anniversary 

of the International District and the International Trade Center, we are inviting representatives and political leaders from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe with the support of state, city, the U.S. Congress, federal agencies and international consulates, along with business    and community leaders to come      to Houston to explore the unique business opportunities and culture exchanges that the First Annual Houston International Expo will make possible.

The Expo is scheduled to be held    on October 31 through November 1, 2024, at the George Brown complex and the Hilton Americas Hotel. The two-day event includes invitations    to the medical, energy, real estate, finance, banking, agriculture, EB-5 and education sectors and will allow  representatives from all groups to have face-to-face discussions and attend group seminars. 

The Governor of Texas Gregg Abbott  and Houston Mayor John Whitmire have been invited to make keynote speeches at the Expo luncheon and the Expo gala dinner.    

We are very fortunate and proud to present the First Annual Houston International Expo while at the same time we are also celebrating the 45th anniversary of our Southern News Group. Over the years, the Chinese Asian International community has also become a very active part of our country. We want to fully show our sincere efforts to contribute to our nation’s prosperity and harmony.