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社評 0318 為美國德州休斯敦【首屆休斯敦國際工商博覧會】催生

社評 0318  為美國德州休斯敦【首屆休斯敦國際工商博覧會】催生



我們這一代的移民多半是提着簡便之行囊,袋中只有數百元之盤纒, 來到這塊土地尋求美國夢。 數十載即逝, 我們歴經多少風浪和辛酸, 在此寫下了每一個人之人生圖騰, 演繹出許多精彩之劇本。

今天我們在滿身泥濘中站起來了,此時此刻, 我們要對美國主流社區發出強烈之訊號, 組織一個結合科技、金融、醫療及工商之大平台, 向全球各地工商政經領袖代表發出邀請 ,企盼於今年十月三十日共聚世界能源之都休斯敦,共同探討關心之文化 工商事項。

首屆休斯敦國際工商博覧會代表了我們華亞裔對美國主流社會及全球之重要貢獻,我們結合了聯邦地方政經民意領袖及商業學術文化代表之參與, 寫下了歷史之新頁。

各位弟兄姐妹們, 我們過去多年已經斉心共進, 希望大家繼續能拔刀相助來完成此項歷史性之任務, 共同在今年十月三十日迎接【首屆休斯敦國際工商博覧會】成功举办。

We Are Changing The Impossible        Into The Possible---First Houston International Expo

Most of our generation of immigrants came here with simple bags and        a few hundred dollars to seek the 'American Dream.' How many    storms and bitternesses have we all  experienced? But we all made it in many different ways in our lives. 

Today we want to sent a very strong message to our community that   

we are organizing an international platform that will combine the areas to include the science, medical, high-tech, commerce and finance sectors to connect our great city and the world. 

The first Houston International Expo represents the major step to attract the world to come to our city and state to look for opportunities and to incorporate into many areas. 

Brothers and sisters, we have been here for many decades. I want to 

ask all of you to be a part of this momentous mission to complete  this historic task and welcome the First Houston International Expo on October 30th of this year.