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每日评论0402 我們要建造國際大門

每日评论0402 我們要建造國際大門


多年來我们一直籌劃在休斯敦國際區建造一座大門,來標誌國際區之地標和繁榮 ,這項計劃終於成真, 並且由李兆瓊兄之建築設計計所在稹極完成設計中。

這座位於百利大道之國際大門,以新型圓型地球儀之中央, 嵌入國際區字樣配上LED燈光,將全天候點亮周圍之花圃, 並在大道兩旁建造高聳之牆墩, 頂上嵌入兩隻代表美國之老鷹, 表現出雄偉形象。

我們將在牆上刻印在此參與多年建造國際區先驅者之故事, 並告訴後代能追思「前人種樹後人乘涼」之重大意義。

今天我們在這片土地上承受了多少苦難拼搏之歲月,對美國社會作出重大之貢獻 ,國際大門將是一個重要之歷史見証。

We Are Planning To Construct An International Gate In Our District 

Today marks a significant milestone as the plan to construct the International Gate in the Houston International District has finally come to fruition. This gateway will serve as a new landmark for the International District that will proudly symbolize prosperity and  growth. Designed   

by the reknown architectural firm    

of C C Lee, the design has been meticulously brought to completion, and we are completely thrilled about this one-of-kind creation. 

The design will include a globe of the world that will be embedded with the words, “International District” which will be illuminated by LED lights    that will shine day and night on the surrounding gardens. The towering pillars on either side of the gate   

will include eagles representing    

the United States portraying a unique, compelling and majestic image. 

On the wall we will engrave the stories of the pioneers who have contributed to the construction of  our district so that future generations will appreciate their efforts. This    will also serve as a reminder of the perseverance and hardships endured on this land by those who came before them.