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社評0406 馬英九主席訪問大陸有何不妥?

社評0406  馬英九主席訪問大陸有何不妥?


國民黨前主席馬英九最近正在中國大陸訪問 ,雖然他已是退位之元首, 其意義非凡 ,而且會牽動未來中美台三方之關係發展。

馬主席是國民黨有始以來一直執意培養之政治人物 ,早年以中山獎學金出國,在哈佛拿到博士回國後擔任中樞要職 ,一直從台北市長登上大位,領導中華民國八年之久 。在他卸任前之馬習會未能真正落實兩岸和平, 後來國民黨丟了政權, 媒體退出政黨, 關了中央日報、 電視台、 中廣出售, 許多藍營人士強烈批評他任內未任用自己人 ,也未堅持修改課綱, 致使中華民國之信念及歷史被人不斷踐踏。 

我們堅信和平是唯一解決兩岸問題之方法 ,我們也再三呼籲美國政府及民間要妥善處理中美關係, 馬主席大陸之行, 希望對緩和中美台之緊張局勢有所幫助。

What’s Wrong With Chairman Ma Ying-Jeou’s Visit To Mainland China? 

The Ex-President Of Taiwan and KMT Ma Ying-Jeou is currently visiting Mainland China. Although he is the ex- head of state, his visit is still of great significance and will affect the future development of tripartite relations between China, the United States and Taiwan. 

Chairman Ma was a political star every since his early years. He   

went to study at Harvard with a scholarship from the KMT after eight years as mayor of Taipei and eight years as the president of Taiwan. Before he left office, he failed to reach implementation of a cross-strait peace and the KMT lost its  government. The KMT withdrew from the party and shut down the daily newspaper and TV stations. His own party people criticized him for not appointing his own party people to the central government. 

We firmly believe that peace is the only way to solve the cross-strait problem. We have also repeatedly called on the U.S. government to properly handle the Sino-U.S. relations. 

Chairman Ma’s visit to the Mainland hopes to help ease the tension between China, the United States and Taiwan.