社評0409 耶倫的焦慮

美國財長耶倫在離開北京之記者會上強調中美兩大經濟體之合作對世界經濟之重要性, 換言之, 兩國之脱鈎是不可能的, 否則是會對世界帶來災難性之後果 。
老實說, 自從中國大陸加入世界貿易組織以後, 經濟發展突飛猛進, 二十多年後一躍成為世界第二大經濟體, 這讓西方世界非常驁奇 ,也是美國政府未曾料到之事。
今天中國大陸在電動車、 5G 能源板已經領先世界, 可以說已經嚴重影響到美國原先之汽車及科技領域, 耶倫此行已經正告中國官方電動車之大量生產將會導致美國及歐盟各國遭受經濟打擊 。
如果美國政府要千方百計打擊和圍堵中國大陸之發展是非常困難之事, 美國大選在即, 拜登之政権保衛戰將是一場苦戰, 川普如果捲土重來, 美國未來之政策走向更是無法預測 。
我們始終認為, 大國之間必須以和為貴, 中美兩國可能是同床異夢 ,但是離婚將是一場世界之災難, 執政諸公不可不慎。
Yellen’s Anxiety
U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen emphasized the importance of cooperation between the world's
two largest economic powers, China and the U.S., during a press conference before departing Beijing. In other words, and most importantly, a conflict between the two countries would have disastrous consequences for the entire world's economy.
To be honest, since Mainland China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) its economic development has skyrocketed. After twenty years, China has become the world’s second largest economy in the world, much to the surprise of the western world.
Today China is ahead of the world in the production of electric cars, 5G technology and solar energy sectors. It has significantly impacted the U.S. in both the automotive and technology fields.
During her visit to China, Yellen warned Chinese officials that the continuation of the mass production of electric cars in China will lead to serious economic repercussions for the U.S. and western countries