社評 0410 習馬會之歷史意義

圖片來源: 路透社
由國民黨主席馬英九,率領之年青學生代表團今天下午在北京,和中共總書記習近平見面, 這是兩位領袖时隔九年之後再度相遇, 具有極特殊之意義。
我們對於馬習會在此兩岸關係緊張而世界局勢極為混亂之時期, 有着非常重要和稹極之效應, 我們更期盼海峡两岸能籍此走出一條和平之大道。
事實上, 包括美國在內的西方國家應該改變對中國大陸政府體制和人民之基本看法, 由於五千年延續不斷之文化, 要改變一個像中國如此強大之國家和其體制是不可能的, 如何在異中求同之原則下, 才是世界和平之未來。
台灣在世界上之處境愈加困難, 面對政治現實和強権政治, 要如何求生存和發展才是人民追求之目標, 烏克蘭戰爭說明了一切。
我們對於馬習會是否可能帶來兩岸和平無法預知, 但對於馬主席此次訪問所表現之政治智慧表示讚揚和敬佩,至少馬習會已經努力在達成目標。
戰爭是可怕的, 它能摧毀一切, 希望政客們三思。
The Historical Significance Of The Ma- Xi Meeting
A group of young students lead by KMT former chairman Ma Ying-Jeou met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing this afternoon. This marks the reunion of the two leaders after nine years, amidst tense cross- strait relations and chaotic global circumstances.
The hope is that this meeting will have a positive impact on cross-strait relations and world peace. The United States and western countries should consider their views on the Chinese government and its people and to seek common ground while respecting differences. Given China’s long continuous culture history of five thousand years, it is impossible to change such a powerful country and its system overnight. The key to global peace lies in seeking common ground while respecting differences.
Today Taiwan finds itself with global attention which underscores the pursuit of survival and development under political realities and big power’s politics. We need to learn from the horrors of war from the war in Ukraine. We urge all politicians to think twice and use their wisdom.