
甫自當選為休斯敦市第-選區之市議員勒米雷週五下午前來美南集團總部參訪, 我們給予親切之接待並就當前市政及國際區之發展交換意見 。
曾經長期擔任過赫里斯郡檢察官之勒米雷放棄公職後, 目前當選為市議員, 他將全職擔任民意代表, 為市民服務。
我向他簡報了國際區之近況, 近年來大批新遷居民及商家, 促進了國際區之迅速繁榮, 為了進一步迎接新投資和移民之到來, 在市政府、 聯邦商務部及中小企業局之支持下, 我們決定主辦首屆休斯敦國際博覽會, 希望來自全球各地之工商代表前來考察投資,
勒米雷議員十分關心當地之治安,他相信市民應該有一個廉能政府及良好之治安環境, 會見之後我陪同他參觀了媒體電視印報中心及正在興建中之環球第-銀行大廈。
City Councilman At Large Ramirez Visited SNG
City Councilman At Large Julian Ramirez visited our office Friday afternoon. We warmly welcome him and exchanged views on current city affairs and discussed the ongoing development of the International District.
Having served as the Harris County prosecutor for 26 years, Ramirez gave up his public position and is now serving as a full-time councilman with the city.
I briefed him on the recent situation in the International District after a large number of new residents and businesses have moved in over the past few years leading to the rapid prosperity of the area.
In order to welcome new investors with the support of city, federal and the SBA, we have decided to host the first Houston International Expo. We hope business representatives from around the world will come to explore investment opportunities in our area. I also suggested that the city take a lead in establishing a light industrial park to attract more investors to come to Houston.
After the meeting we accompanied him on a visit to the media STV studio and printing center as well as the under-construction Global One Bank Tower