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市議員談市政 歡迎荷夫曼議員来訪

市議員談市政 歡迎荷夫曼議員来訪



同時擔任休斯敦警察工會律師的現任市議員荷夫曼日前來到美南新聞聞總部訪問, 我們非常親切之接待並就市政及即將在十月底舉辦之第一屆休斯敦國際博覽會交換意見 。荷夫曼市議員曾任地方檢察官, 她代表休斯敦最富有的河橡區, 她主要之政見是如何做好治安工作。 

會見中我們談到如何加強市政繁榮及國際文化教育交流,她對於我們主辦之第一屆國際博覽會表示高度之讃賞和支持, 並希望為休斯敦市帶來更多之投資者, 繁荣德州和全美經濟。

荷夫曼議員和國際貿易中心共同主席金諾威一起參觀了正在興建中的環球第一銀行大廈, 她讃譽銀行對社區經濟之貢獻, 並希望早日完工。

 City Councilwoman Huffman Visited Southern News Group 

Councilwoman Huffman who also serves as attorney for the city's Police Union, recently came to visit the headquarters of Southern News Group. We warmly welcomed her and exchanged views on city affairs and the upcoming First Houston International Expo scheduled for the end of October. 

Huffman had previously served as prosecutor representing the Houston Rockets arena at City Hall. Her main focus is on improving public safety. 

During our meeting we discussed how to enhance the city’s prosperity and promote international cultural diversity and support educational exchange. She highly praised and supported our hosting of the Expo and expressed her hope that the event will bring more investors to the Houston area.   

As the Co-Chair of the International Trade Center, she also visited the under-construction Global One Bank Tower. She commended on the bank’s future contribution to the local economy and expressed her hope for an early completion of the project.