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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

每日時評 0506 美南電視環球劇場正式啟用

每日時評 0506 美南電視環球劇場正式啟用



多年來我們在大休斯敦地區創設之美南國際貿易中心在推動德州和世界各國之經貿文化工作 得到了主流社會之高度肯定,並且決定在今年十月三十日至十一月一日創辦休斯敦國際工商博覧會, 得到市長惠特曼、 國會議員、 商務部之大力支持, 籌備工作正在進行中, 我們深感在促進工商經貿交流之同時, 國際文藝交流當然是非常重要之一環, 經過多時之籌備和裝修工程, 美南電視環球劇場正式啟用。

就在首場之表演現場, 我們有幸邀請到天津京劇院之臺柱演員蒞臨, 好友格林議員特別為華興劇團及楊萬青博士頒發榮譽狀, 表揚他們對國際文化交流之貢獻, 當天劇內座無虛席, 充滿了觀眾對京劇之熱情掌聲。

今天我們社區面臨諸多之社會問題, 來自全球各地不同族裔的人, 是為了追求更美好之生活, 但是我們也不忘記自己之固有文化在美國繼續發揚, 環球劇塲將會辦演極爲重要之角色。

今晚我們看完了臺上之精彩表演 ,心情澎湃洶湧, 眼角泛起淚水, 這是我們人生中值得驕傲之時刻。

Grand Opening Of STV Global One Theatre 

Almost twenty-five years ago      when we first started the Houston International Trade Center we     

have been working along with the local chambers of commerce, the SBA and many other organizations 

in an effort to better serve our local businesses. As a result, we have  now sponsored many cultural events and more than 15,000 small- and middle-size businesses have become our partners. Today we are organizing the First Houston International Expo that will be held on October 30-November 1 of this year. 

When we are talking about commerce and business, we are  also trying to to establish and include cultural activities. After many months of work, the STV Global Theatre is finally finished. 

Just this past month we held the Grand Opening and invited the Peking Opera group to perform and entertain our local community leaders. 

We are very proud that this mini-theater will hold performances every month to show our international programs. We hope it will bring more fun and harmony to our community.