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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

每日評論 0510 欲成就非凡 必經歴綀

每日評論 0510   欲成就非凡 必經歴綀

                                                                                                                                                                              照片来源: 路透

欲成就非凡 必經歴綀

直逼美國首富行列的科技巨人黃仁勳在接受CBS 六十分鐘之訪問中表示, 欲 [ 成就非凡 ,必經歴練]。 他說自已過去六十一年來每天努力在做事, 而且是非常認真的在做事, 這段令人感動的訪問说明一個人之成功絕非偶然。

許多年前, 台灣首富台塑創辦人王永慶在德州距休斯敦之一個偏僻小鎮投資了一個化工厰 ,開幕時我們有幸參加,,並且和他同桌午餐,我當時請教他成功之密訣, 他不經思索就說:“年輕人, 凡事只要認真就有成功之希望。”

在我過去唸書創業及交友之過程中,谨記王董事長之教誨——盡量認真對待自己之處世和經營事業之座佑銘 。

今天聽完了黃仁勳之訪問, 也充分印證了王董事長之話 ,天下沒有白吃的午餐 ,成功的人多半經歴許多苦難和折磨, 必經歴練 ,方可成就非凡。

我們不敢和黃仁勳之宏偉事業相提並論,  至少我們努力扮演好自己人生旅途中之小角色。

No Magic: ‘I'm Sixty-One-Years      

Old And I Work Hard Every Day!'

Tech giant owner and aspiring 'richest man in America,' Jensen Jen-Hsu Huang stated in a CBS interview that he has been working hard over the last sixty-one years 

and very seriously. This touching interview illustrates that success for an individual is not just a matter of chance.

Many years ago, when Taiwan’s richest man and founder of Formosa Palestine Company, Mr. Wang Yung-Ching invested in a chemical plant 

in a remote town near Houston, Texas, I had the privilege of attending the opening ceremony for the company's grand opening and also had lunch with him at the same table. When I asked him about the secret 

to success, he immediately replied without hesitation, “Young man, as long as you take everything seriously, there is hope for success.”

Throughout my years of study, entrepreneurship and making friends, I always remember Chairman Wang’s teachings. He advised me to treat my way of life and business operation with seriousness and reverence. 

We dare not compare ourselves to Jensen Hung ‘s grand achievement, but at least we strive to play our small roles well in the journey of our lives.