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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

每日評論 0521 近鄉情怯

每日評論  0521 近鄉情怯


回到台北木柵母校政治大學校園,見到舊日的老師和老同學,撫過綠茵的草木,許多仍然 屹立在校園的四維堂、新聞館及畧有麈土的行政樓,勾起了我們的記憶和感傷。

歲月蹉跎,光陰荏苒。當我們年青時走進政大外交系, 大家都滿懷希望和熱忱定下了洗刷國恥從事外交之壯志,回頭看來世局丕變,人事不策, 當年之願景已被時間改寫。

在我的人生圖騰中, 也許是“生不逢地”及“生不逢時”在我童年時隨家人流落異邦,曾經面對過艱困環境和生死存亡之挑戰,我們是難民生活在偏遠之村落中,但是父母親們總是怀有自己是泱泱大國之子民, 我們一家只不過是暫時逃難而己。


多年後,我們又奔向美洲新大陸追尋我們的美國夢,我們只有一條奔向未來只許成功不能失敗之路,,數十年來我們每天都在勤奮認真地努力向前 ,最終在這個國家我們進入主流參與和貢獻自己所能。

在我人生之奮進過程中, 有太多太多我們要感恩的人,他們在我最低潮時給予無私之支持,始終沒有放棄未來之目標。


Nostalgic Affections

Returning to the campus of my Alma Mater, National Chengchi University in Taipei, and seeing old teachers  and classmates walking amongst  the greenery with many iconic buildings still standing tall on the campus, my memories and emotions were stirred up.  

As the time flies by, I still recall when we were young and walked into the Department of Diplomacy full of hope and enthusiasm, we set out with the ambition to cleanse the national humiliation through diplomatic endeavors. Looking back now, the changing world and unpredictable circumstances have rewritten the visions we once held dear. 

In my life's journey, perhaps the themes of, “Born Without A Land” and "Born Without A Nation,”      would apply. Starting from my early childhood, as my family faced challenging circumstances and life-and-death struggles in a foreign land where we lived as refugees in a remote village, while our parents always carried themselves as proud citizens of a great nation, we still plainly thought we were merely temporarily displaced. 

To be honest, it was the unwavering faith of our family that supported us, instilling in us a strong belief to overcome adversity, transitioning from impoverished villages to the city, and ultimately settling in the university campus. 

Years later, we ventured towards the new continent of America in pursuit of our American Dream, with only  one road ahead: a path that allowed for no failure, only success. For decades I diligently and earnestly pushed forward every day, finally integrating into and contributing to our community in this country where we now reside.