每日评论0808 我們為何而戰?

經由賴清陽及陳帆兩位華裔律師之鼎力相助下,旅居大休斯敦地區之華亞裔商家及社區領袖今天下午集結在美南電視環球劇場舉辦一埸定名為”增強社區力量. 貝里爾颱風社區集會”。 首次為我們社會遭受之風災損失發出正義之聲。
Why Are We Fighting?
With the help of two Asian attorneys, Andy Lai and Fan Chen, Asian businessmen and community leaders living in the Greater Houston area gathered at the STV Global Theater this afternoon to hold a meeting called, “Empowering Our Community, Town Hall Meeting On Hurricane Beryl,"
for the first time to express a united voice for justice in the disaster and losses that occurred in our community.
The huge loss of power from Hurricane Beryl has been a serious challenge that
we all have faced. Many businesses, especially restaurants and food markets have been without electricity for almost one week, and not only have they had no income, but also much food has been lost. Where can we go to get justice for all the losses?
Today, all of us gathered to express our voices. CenterPoint Energy which is responsible for power transmission in the Greater Houston area obviously caused a huge power blackout for more than one week because of its negligence and incompetence in responding to this power outage emergency.
Unity is power. We need to unite to fight for our rights.