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每日评论 0827 仁愛路上 [築夢成真] 的記憶

每日评论 0827 仁愛路上 [築夢成真] 的記憶

仁愛路上 [築夢成真] 的記憶


讓我感到振奮的還是即將完工的銀行金融中心, 這座建築代表的不仅是堅如金湯的高挑的鋼構大樓,更是我們多年來築梦成真的挑戰和收獲。



  Memories Of Taipei Renai Road

This morning I took a walk by the pond at the Southern News Group. The Global landmark has stood there now already 

for a quarter of a century Every morning I walk through that area to start my whole day’s work.

What excites me is the near-completion of our bank financial center. This building not only represents a high-rise steel structure, but it also embodies the challenges and achievements of years of dreams that are coming to full fruition.

Many years ago when I was a young editor working at the Taipei Renai Road, every evening I walked on the red bricks of the big avenue. A Shangong uncle was regularly selling Mantou there with a shoulder pole. I always bought two filled with pork floss for dinner. What remains clearly unforgettable is the warmth and kindness of that time. What I remember was the financial and insurance buildings on both sides of the Renai Road. It’s not easy for ordinary people to go in and have a look. I often use to think that if one day I could walk into a gorgeous financial banking building, wouldn’t it be a big deal to show off to our ancestors.

The land on Renai Road has brought my dream into reality. We miraculously built 

the building from scratch on barren land, integrating media, trade, culture and finance into the Southern News Group Center. It is a true blessing and we are deeply grateful to all who have supported us.