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每日评论 1009休斯敦國際博覽會籌備團隊就緒

每日评论 1009休斯敦國際博覽會籌備團隊就緒



此次大會得到美國國務院區域辦公室、美國商務部、休斯敦市長室、聯邦小商業局、赫里斯群醫療基金會、休斯敦港務局、美國銀行、環球第一銀行 、HEB集團等近百家企業贊助和支持。




The Preparation Team For The         

 Houston International Expo Is Ready

The first Houston International Expo which is scheduled to be held in Houston, Texas,  on October 30 to November 1 has been in preparation for one year. The preparatory team came together again last week and has carried out the final preparations for the Expo and is ready to go.

The first Houston International Expo is being sponsored and supported by many government agencies including the U.S. State Department Regional Office, the Department of Commerce, the office of the Mayor of Houston, the office of Congressman Al Green, the SBA, the Harris County Hospital Foundation, the Port of Houston, the Bank Of America, Global One Bank, the HEB Group and many more.This event has been organized by the International Trade Center, Southern 

News Group and the Asian international community. We also will give awards to those people who have made significant contributions to the nation in the areas of diplomacy, education, religion and the economy.Mayor Whitmire and Congressman Al Green have sent congratulatory messages wishing the Expo a complete success.