每日社评:1116 川普新政對德州之影響

新任總統川普在競選時誓言將全面改變經濟政策,為國家及德州帶來經濟大繁榮,其中包括減稅,削減政府支出並對各國進口貨品加徵關稅. 他並且主張大量驅逐非法居民,減弱聯邦儲備銀行功能。
The Impact Of The Trump Administration On Texas
During his election campaign, President-elect Trump vowed to comprehensively change the country's economic policy to bring greater economic prosperity to the country and Texas. His plan includes tax cuts, government spending cuts and tariffs on imported goods from various countries. He also advocated the expulsion of a large number of illegal residents and a weakening of the power of the Federal Reserve Bank.
President-elect Trump went to the White House on Wednesday and met with President Biden for two hours. Both sides agreed to have a peaceful transition of power to the new Republican administration.
Since the Republican Party won the election, including the House of Representatives and the Senate, Trump will be able to pass bills in Congress without resistance.
We are waiting to see how the new administration will implement their commitments.