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候任總統川普在明年上台之後,其施政必有許多重大改變,其中和我們關係最密切的可能有兩項目,其中包括移民及加稅政策,許多華人同胞在此地可能還沒有綠卡,可能會被驅逐出境之虞,川普對此不會手軟. 其 次是對中國大陸提高關稅,中美關係必然會繼續緊張,直接對許多華商造成嚴重影響.


我們大家都熱愛這塊土地,也是我們後代子孫繼續打拚之國土,為了我們和下一代, 是我們華人團結之時刻到來了.


候任總統川普在明年上台之後,其施政必有許多重大改變,其中和我們關係最密切的可能有兩大項目,其中包括移民及加稅政策。許多華人同胞在此地可能還沒有綠卡,可能會被驅逐出境之虞,川普對此不會手軟。其 次是對中國大陸提高關稅,中美關係必然會繼續緊張,直接對許多華商造成嚴重影響。


我們大家都熱愛這塊土地,也是我們後代子孫繼續打拚之國土,為了我們和下一代, 我們華人團結之時刻到來了。

Chinese -Americans Unite

During my trip recently to the western United States, the strongest feeling I had was that the Chinese American population is growing rapidly, and that there are very prominent performers now in all walks of life.There are also many elected mayors now which can’t be compared with the ones when I first came to the United States.

After President-elect Trump comes to power next year, there will be many major changes in his governance style. Among them there may be two major changes close to our community, including the immigration and import tax increases. Many Chinese may not have green cards and may be in danger of being deported. The second is the raising of tariffs on Chinese products, which will have a direct and serious impact on many Chinese businessmen.

We suggest that Chinese associations and community leaders across the United States should immediately convene a National Congress to establish a legal- and business-based. mutual-aid institution in accordance with a similar political action committee formed by the Jews, and comprehensively counter the unreasonable treatment being suffered today by the Chinese people.