每日评论0102 紐奧良發生慘劇

The Tragedy In New Orleans
At 3:00 am on New Year's morning, a truck crashed into celebrating crowd in the French Quarter in New Orleans killing ten people and seriously injuring dozens of people. A witness said he saw a truck plow into a crowd at a high rate of speed,and then the driver got out of the truck and started shooting directly at the crowd and the arriving police, but he was immediately shot and killed. The FBI is investigating the case as a terrorist attack.
We would like to point out, and very sadly so, why these tragedies keep happening in our communities. Most of these suspects are killed by the police or commit suicide after the crime. And with these tragic acts, they cause a great deal of harm, both physically and psychologically to our whole society.
Today, the property ownership gap in our society is increasing, and the number of homeless people and broken families is increasingly due to unemployment and emotional factors and many people are losing their minds under constant psychological pressures.
Today, the property ownership gap in our society is increasing, and the number of homeless people and broken families is increasingly due to unemployment and emotional factors and many people are losing their minds under constant psychological pressures.
What is the answer to the proliferation of guns in our country coupled with the number of mental patients with psychological abnormalities who often commit these extreme behavior acts of shooting and killing innocent people resulting in countless tragedies?
We agree with President Trump’s slogan to, "Make America Great Again," but if we can’t solve the suffering of the common people how can we, "Make America Great Again?"
We agree with President Trump’s slogan to, "Make America Great Again," but if we can’t solve the suffering of the common people how can we, "Make America Great Again?"