每日评论0113 德州救火隊 急往加州救火

德州救火隊 急往加州救火
這次之多災難,除了因為强勁之大風之外,更暴露了州市政府之無能及基層管理之渙散,以致火災時還會缺水來滅火,這真是天大的笑活,加州州長紐 森在這次之大笑難中更突顯出他對加州治理之不及格,長年來对加州經常發生之野火束手無策。
Texas Fire Brigade Rushes To LA To Fight The Fire
The greater Los Angeles fires are still short on manpower after a few days of a tragic disaster. Many firefighters in Texas, including a brigade from the Houston area, drove fire trucks straight to Los Angeles with their equipment, hoping to participate in the rescue operation on time.
In addition to strong winds, this disaster also exposed the incompetence of the LA municipal government and the slackness of grassroot management that created the water shortage when the water supply was so critical to extinguishing the fire.
We would like to expressed our great sympathy for all of the victims and for the many homes that were completely destroyed. But we would also advise the politicians to remember this lesson and prepare for the next disaster much earlier than in this tragedy.
We would like to expressed our great sympathy for all of the victims and for the many homes that were completely destroyed. But we would also advise the politicians to remember this lesson and prepare for the next disaster much earlier than in this tragedy.