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Contribution Of Asian PhD

It was my great pleasure to meet Mr. A. J. Durrani and talk about how Asian Americans can participate in the upcoming Democratic presidential election. We all agreed that we as Asian American voters should express our serious concerns about our nation’s future, especially with the upcoming November election.

According to a Georgetown University Center for Security and Emerging Technology survey, about ninety percent of Asian students, including ones from China, after they got their PhD degree, they planned to stay in the U.S. The report also showed that in all U.S. research institutions, researchers included 27% from China, 11% from India, 4% from Iran and only 31% from local. These figures also showed almost half of them are Asian.

In economic and financial areas, the Asian family yearly income is over $60,000, much higher than the average family income of $50,740 per year.

We sincerely urge the Democratic Party to pay more attention to Asian American citizen groups and what they have done for this great country.

All of us need to team up together and go vote and donate money to the candidates. This is the only way we can show our power.




根據喬治城大學安全及新興技術中心最近發表之調研報告, 來美留學硏讀人工智慧的亞洲學生包括中國大陸在內,在他們取得博士學位後百分之九十選擇留在美國,繼續貢獻他們的研發工作, 在國防部啓動的梅文計劃也有許亞裔工程博士。

在報告中總結今天在美國高校硏究機構任職之人才,其中百分之二十七來自中國大陸,百分之十一來自印度,百分之十一來自歐洲,百分之四來自伊朗,本地美國人包括在美出生之亞裔在內只佔百分之叁十一 ,從這位統計數字看來,裔科技硏究人才已近一半。

亞裔美人在經濟上的地位更不容小觑,每個家庭收入近七萬美元 ,早已超過全美家庭平均收入之五萬零七百四十美元。

民主黨總統提名大會在即,黨內正在加緊草擬黨綱,此次會晤,代表亞裔社區的杜哈尼深切瞭解我們的需求, 希望在大會上得到代表們的重視。
