每日社评:0208 惠特曼市長之關心和鼓勵

Mayor Whitmire‘s Encouragement
Last Saturday, Houston's Mayor Whitmire delivereda very touching speech at our Texas Lunar New Year celebration. He said that today’s multi-ethnic face represents the melting pot of our diverse population from all parts of the world that have contributed so much over the years to the strength of this land. Recognizing the diversity of our community, the Mayor has appointed many Asians to serve in his new administration at City Hall.
To be honest, it is my great honor to serve on the Board of Houstonfirst Corporation. I look forward to participating in many new city construction projects in the future, including the new Convention District.
Today, the political situation at home and overseas has been suddenly changed in a brief moment. The new administration continues to introduce many new policies which will comprehensively affect our community. Our Asian American community must be strengthened through strong mutual assistance and unity as we move forward and continue
to contribute to our community and strongly protect our rights.