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每日評論 0306 追念故友特納市長

每日評論 0306  追念故友特納市長

                                                                                圖片來源: 路透社








Reminiscing About Our Friend Mayor Turner

One midsummer ten years ago, I invited twelve good friends and community leaders, including C.C. Lee, to hold a warm and touching fundraising party for the then State Representative Sylvester Turner in my house, who wanted to run for Houston City Mayor. We listened to his political views and learned about his background, which was all very deeply touching. He grew up in Houston's Third Ward in a poor family and finally got his law degree from Harvard.

As expected, he was elected Mayor of Houston as a democrat of African descents. During his tenure he help many minority businesses and promoted a large number of minorities to join the city government. After he served his 8-year term, he was successfully elected to become a U.S. Congressman. Unfortunately. he only served three months of his term. 

During his eight-year tenure, he never missed our Lunar New Year Festival, including one time in front of City Hall.

Mayor Turner as a. outstanding politician, has completed a wonderful life. As a

friend of Chinese Americans, he has always stood with us. I just want to say, Mayor, please walk safely on the road to heaven.