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每日社评:0308 川普要重組世界

每日社评:0308 川普要重組世界




川普為了達到目的,已經到了不擇手段之地步,退出國際組织和俄羅斯交好,放棄全球化自由貿易已經是既定國家政策. 其主要目標是要以非常手段來為美國增加財富。


Trump Wants To Reorganize The World

A series of Trump’s new measures are disrupting the patterns of the world. Trump has raised the tariff knife, whether on our allies or long-time neighbors, to reorganize the patterns of the world's economy and international trade. It now seems that the ways being used to "Make  America Great Again" are being questioned by many, and the difficult question now is are the ways being used the best ways to reach the ultimate goal?

It is true that America's national debt continues to rise. We are a country with a very high debt and howto lower the debt is very challenging. President 

Trump wants to raise tariffs on imports to make foreign companies come to America and he will secure a 'Gold Card' for them for $5 million dollars, and he also wants to  open up the exploitation of oil and natural gas to pay off the national debt.

In the meantime, President Trump will continue to withdraw from international organizations and give up on the free trade system.

Everyone should be mentally prepared for the changes coming in the world of the future.