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Dr. Feng’s Advice

In a meeting last weekend with Asian-American leaders, Dr. Fauci praised Asian-American medical doctors’ contributions to our medical service, especially in this coronavirus pandemic time. Many of them risk their lives every day trying to save the lives of others.

Dr. Jian Wei Feng, a cardiovascular disease specialist from Houston Memorial Herman Hospital,  is one of them. Dr. Feng is not only an outstanding medical physician, his warm heart and kindness make him an Asian community leader who leads a lot of local organizations.

In the past few years, at almost all the community events we sponsored, Dr. Feng was always the one who gave us his full support.

When Dr. Feng was invited to our STV talk show, again he gave our audiences very practical and very useful advice for this difficult pandemic time.

He said that physically we need to do more exercise, eat healthy, get some sunshine and get enough sleep. He also suggested that we drink ginger, garlic and red carrots juice daily.

Psychologically we need to stay relaxed and not worry too much about the virus and don’t watch too much negative news. Dr. Feng believes that America has the very top medical resources,  especially in Houston, Texas. We have the largest medical center in the world here and we are able to handle all medical emergency cases.

A lot of Asian families have encouraged their kids to work in the medical field. But they still all worry about their safety, but their sacrifice and contributions are always highly appreciated by our community. Dr. Feng is one great model for us all.

We firmly believe that the worst will be over after all this tragic time.

Dr. Feng, we will be united again to celebrate your great work.

         亞裔醫療楷模 丰建偉醫生



近年來, 美南新聞集團所主辦之各項活動,丰醫生都全力支持他也常說:“ 李兄你們干媒體真不容易

今天丰醫生又再度出現在美南電視的訪問節目中他對目前世界遭遇的新冠疫情做了兩個非常貼切的忠告, 在生理上我們要多運動曬太陽, 有充分之睡眠, 增加適當之飲食營養, 並建議每天吃生姜,大蒜及紅萝卜, 更要立即戒煙它是最大的禍害。

在心理上更要放鬆心情千萬不要太過焦慮調整個人心理狀態不要看太多負面資訊他特別提到居住在休斯敦的市民我們有全球最大的醫療中心及最優秀的醫護人員, 我們一定能戰勝這場無聲的戰爭。

我們許多亞裔家庭的子女, 都站在新冠疫區之最前缐, 就如丰醫生一樣, 他對美國社會之犧牲奉獻, 絕對是美國社會之楷模。
