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We Are At The Crossroad

Democratic leaders pushed a message of competence and unity in the first night of the party’s convention. Former Ohio Governor John Kasich endorsed Biden saying that our country is at the crossroad.

Michelle Obama in her speech said that right now kids in this country are seeing what happens when we stop requiring empathy of one another. They are looking around and wondering if we’ve been lying to them this whole time about who we are and what we truly value.

New York Governor Cuomo said, “COVID is the symptom and not the illness. Our nation is in crisis and in many ways COVID is just a metaphor.”

Democrats also accused President Trump of trying to slow down the mail delivery in the election time, but he said that he had encouraged everybody to speed up the mail and not to slow down the mail. Newly appointed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy agreed to testify before Congress next week.

This is really a critical time for all of us and we need to take action now. The United States of America is in a pandemic crisis and our unemployment rate is the highest since the great depression. We really don’t care what politicians say. We care about what we can put on the dinner table for our families.

We are living in two different worlds right now: in one world live those people who hold the power of the country with their luxurious lifestyle, and in the other world are the poor people suffering and just trying to survive.


在民主黨視讯大會上,共和黨籍的前俄亥俄州州長卡西在會中非常激動的呼籲,我們的國家正走在十字路口,今年的大選是非常關鍵的時刻,我們需要的是國家的團結而不是分裂, 如今,我們處於前所未有之艱難困境, 我們的選擇决定未來世世代代之前途。

開幕大會之第一天晚上,由前民主黨總統參選人参議員彬德森及米雪奧巴馬為主要演講人,她們同聲譴責川普對國民之無情,國家經濟一蹶不振,普通國民面對饑餓,缴不出房租, 三千萬人失業,十七萬人因新冠病毒喪生,在國際上我們失去威信, 因為我們深愛這個國家和人民, 我們一定要選定拜登成為下任總統來拯救國家。


拜登選舉之政見包括:全民健康保險, 基本工資最少每小時十五元 ,给予全國國民最基本之生活保障,他並且保證當選後立即重返國際衛生組織及有關之國際組織。

這場前所未有之選戰 ,將是有史以來最激烈的一次 ,我們大家必須積極參與, 在這歷史的十字路口做出最佳的選擇。

(  图片来源: 路透社)